“Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder”
It had been raining all week leading up to Deanna and William’s engagement shoot and was threatening to this morning as well with heavy, dense fog blocking visuals all around. But right before I pulled in, the fog lifted and we were able to start! Better yet, the sun even made an appearance half way through! I was so excited!
These two cuties met at work a couple years ago and got to know each other on a recruiting trip to UNC. When William proposed a couple years later he recreated that entire trip, remembering every detail about what she showed him, where they walked and where they shared meals. They are just the sweetest and I had so much fun getting to know them and little Loki at their family’s home at Lake Toxaway.
We were exploring the property, taking photos, telling stories and playing with Loki when we came across the canoe set up by the lake….and well…you know what had to happen next! Luckily they were just as excited as I was and we made it happen! Loki was even excited!
Thank you so much for trusting me with your memories you guys! I cannot wait til April!